084 811 1972 jen@busybodies.co.za
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JUST REAL LIFE …. and the realities of sleep – or lack thereof.

This post contains nothing serious just real life.  This one for the Mommies who aren’t getting much sleep and for those who  are …HOORAY… passed that stage.

In 2007 my life changed forever. One  averagely selfish, possibly overconfident  20 something become a mother.  Ha ha. What followed was 10 years of pure motherhood.  If you’re a parent,  you know the story: Exhaustion, bewilderment,

sleep deprivation,  lots of nappies (to put it politely) struggles, depression,  such joy, cold rooiboos tea,  such fulfillment and the gnawing thought at the back of my head that said,   “Now you’ve done it. You can’t give them back now. You had better just make this work.”!

Become an Octopus???

But how to do it…I just didn’t quite know.  My best thought was to become an octopus. Perhaps I was severely sleep deprived at that time or maybe it  was those little white,  low dose (are you really sure they are low dose, Doctor?) happy pills they give you when you complain too much ! 

I would love to know how little sleep I actually survived on! And at times I was just surviving – ha ha – there’s that nervous laugh again.  These days I have a  little unobtrusive, black smart watch that measures many aspects of my health – heart rate, steps, stairs AND SLEEP!  If only I’d had that 10 years ago.  Just this afternoon I told my husband that I’d only had an average of just 6h 15 mins sleep this week and promptly went off for an afternoon snooze.

How soft I’ve become and how much easier life is now that those 3 little sleep depriving mini-me’s are a little older and don’t have to be kept from destroying the house, each other and themselves every moment of the day. 

So if you’re a mommy of 1 or 2 or  3 or more little people  and you have one of those little watches, please tell me…

… just how much sleep are you really getting?


Motherhood and Octopi?

More about octopusses (or is it octopi?),  motherhood, sleep deprivation and school ready children in posts  to come.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:13 NKJ  Every Mother has the GREASTEST LOVE…but gee it’s nice when that  greatest love  gets a little easier!  <3 Jen

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